Archive for rasism i Sverige

The emerge of Racism and Xenophobia in Sweden!

Posted in Personal with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 2, 2014 by Tallee Savage

Despite my satisfaction of the recent Swedish election in September, I’m sad to say that 13% of the swedish people voted for a white supremacist and neo-Nazi supportive party. Yes, we struggle with the same depressing and ugly struggles that a lot of americans have to deal with. Negative, prejudice stereotypes and beliefs about threats that undermine the “True Swedish” ways. The same prejudice bullshit about immigrants being the problem for EVERYTHING: Unemployment, major cause of crime. Yes, of course if you have dark hair or skin you automatically fight, steal, sell drugs and rape women (???). Lies about us foreigners not wanting to work, or not working hard enough, or wanting to fit in… The Swedish people who earlier refrained from these beliefs and attitudes are growing and legitimizing their xenophobic beliefs and giving their votes to parties that have strong roots and implement polices from RRP (radical right-wing populist) parties. The fear of individuals or culture that might be “different” or “strange”. Yes, it is very sad because once racism receives parliamentary stronghold it might be difficult to get rid of it. It is simply vicious. How quick some people forget history ..huh?

Nevertheless 87% do remember and they see the beauty of a multicultural society. They as well as me also acknowledge the problems we are dealing with within the country, but we strive for a solution and do not believe in shutting down the borders on human beings that seek shelter from persecution, war, death, torture and hell. We do not give our votes to a xenophobic party because we are afraid and egocentric. The situation is deeply worrying but I’d like to strongly underline that most of Sweden’s politicians and its people are wonderful and open-minded and have always been known for their humane and enlightened point of view on this earth!


I wrote something on my Facebook yesterday and I’d like to share it on my blog so that others can read it too. It is regarding the Swedish Public Service Television’s “SVT” decision to change a few insignificant little things from the TV adaptation of “Here Comes Pippi Longstocking” from 1969. We see the part where Pippi refers to her father as the “Negro King” removed. She now only says King. The other part is Pippi pulling her eyes so they skewed and then sing “ching ching chong”, impersonating an asian person. These parts were by swedish TV considered offensive and because the target of the audience are children they simply believe that it can be experienced as hurtful and demeaning for kids. Ok, so this made headlines everywhere in Sweden and lot of people whine and cry blood over this. Shouting and condemning others of being politically correct. Some bring up the problem of censorship, but of course it has also given the xenophobic people something to complain about. Turning it into a patriotic slap on people’s fingers and pointing accusation towards wanting to take a way the “swedishness” out of Sweden and resulting in giving racism more air under the wings.

They did absolutely the right thing to remove those small parts. This doesn’t change the story at all. It is not censorship as the state had nothing to do with it and Astrid Lindren herself stated in an interview that she regretted using the word negro and would remove it if it was possible. We all know the word is used as a demeaning term towards people from Africa, more like the word “nigger” really. I feel the world is changing and society with it, and no harm is done by cutting those parts out. My post on FB was in swedish but now you all know what it regards. Feel free to comment or give your opinion on ttallee-signhe matter in english or “på svenska” and remember “The ability to think different today than yesterday separates the wise from the stubborn.”

My Facebook post:
SVT tog bort ordet “Negerkung” ur Pippifilmen. Av allt skit som händer i världen så väljer många på fullaste allvar att klaga, gnälla och bli upprörd över detta?? Statusar på FB lyder”Jag skäms för att vara svensk”, “Fyyfaaan”, “Endast PK & moralpredik” … My God, get a fucking grip people! Kan det inte bara vara så enkelt att ett ord som var normalt för 50 år sedan, idag är förlegat, nedsättande och kränkande? Tycker många har sådan extremt märklig livsåskådning alltså. Att ordet “neger” klippts bort har ingalunda någon som helst betydelse för handlingen och Astrid själv skulle med 100% säkerhet aldrig själv valt att använda det ordet idag. Och NEJ detta har inget att göra med att man vill ta ifrån oss “svenskheten” eller sabba vår tradition, kultur eller historia eller censurera konst. Och Ja det finns extremt mycket gammal klassisk litteratur med “rasistiska” budskap som möjligen inte alls var tänkt så… Nevertheless så är detta en barnfilm och ordet är idag kränkande och det var lätt åtgärdat att plocka bort. Är det verkligen något att gråta blod över?

“Förmågan att idag tänka annorlunda än igår skiljer den vise från den envise”.