For me, doing this nude shoot was to try a new experience. In an industry where youth is revered, I decided at the age of 44, that I wanted to have at least one Fine Art Nude in my portfolio. Very aware of the different reactions I may get, and the lack of acceptance and mixed emotions for this art form from many different kinds of people, I decided I do want to publish them on my blog, because I really like them and I feel the photos are tastefully captured.

Fine art nude is about the human body in a nude form. I don’t mean for them to be erotic but purely to emphasize the beauty and accentuation and flow of the body and its physique and form. The photographers and my way of glorifying the womans body and sensuality.

To the depict the human body is one of the most appreciated, yet feared, forms of art. It is burned into our minds to just be chocked at the mere sight of  bare skin and naked shapes, yet this is art form is something that has been practiced for ages, since woman posed for ancient painters or men sculpting in stone. Still, of course, I ponder how my relatives and close friends on the other side of the pond and here in Sweden will react when they see these pictures. Hopefully you/they will like the photos though : )

When it comes to my children, I think they will understand the difference between nude and nude, and the way I’m thinking in these particular photos. I also think it is exceptionally sad when young children are taught to think that nudity is in any way something to be ashamed of. I don´t feel like installing guilt, self-hatred or sexual backwardness into my kids. So, prudish I am not! On the other hand I feel it is extremely sad when young girls display their half nude bodies with no taste or no consideration of how they will feel about this in the future or the consequences of putting something on the internet. I talk a lot about the importance of that to my children.

Now… further on the subject. For some, Fine art nude and Glamour photos are separated by a very thin line, but for me and many others the distance between the two is vast. Glamour has a different intention for the viewer. Its intention is in general to represent sexy and alluring images of the female. The light, colours, composition, retouch and poses are different. Glamour is what we refer to when we see a Playboy magazine. I don’t have any problems with glamour photos, but just for the “know-how”, I do want to state the difference, and point out that these pics of me here are not in the same category. A healthy part of it, also, is the fact that Fine art nude comes in all different sizes, shapes and in various positions and states of emotion and, unfortunately, Glamour photos does not.

Anyway, hope you like them : )


Model & Make Up: Tallee Savage
Photo: Göran Magnusson
Graphics: Mattias Savage Wilmenius

15 Responses to “WOMAN”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Tallee muy lindas las fotos y muy lindo lo que escribes…



  2. Tallee!!! Vad vackert detta blev! När jag läste första radrena bestämde jag mig för att läsa klart allt innan jag kikade på bilderna, annars blir d lätt att man smygkikar o läser lite fram o tillbaka…

    Du skriver så himla bra, och jag tycker du fått fram budskapet att naket är något vackert… verkligen inget att skämmas för, och när nakenheten presenteras så här så är det bara bara vackert, avskalat naket och konstnärligt! Du är tokvacker!! kram


    • Malin du är så go du! Känns som jag känner dig fast vi aldrig träffats. Alla dina fina kommentarer uppskattas och värmer ska du veta. Ser fram emot att träffa dig och att plåta tillsammans också.

      Stor kram Tallee


  3. Tallee! Om jag såg ut som du skulle jag vilja bli fotogreferad naken hela tiden. Vilken jäkla kropp du har! Det är klart att du ska vara stolt och visa upp den så att fler får njuta av din vackra uppenbarelse. En underbar helg till dig och familjen!
    Massa kramar från Helena


  4. Fina. Väldigt odramatiskt tycker jag. Det är ju inget sexuellt med de här bilderna, de påminner mer om skulpturer. Svart-vitt gör ju också att det blir mindre “köttsligt”.


  5. Härligt att se att man inte behöver vara 18 för att vara vacker!


  6. Tallee, du är lika vacker som alltid!
    De sista bilderna är bland de bästa jag sett på dig, så avskalat och naket. Magvärkande vackert!
    Och, du visar att vi bara blir vackrare med åren!;)


  7. Bigsurf27 Says:

    Saw your Glenn Hughes impression and you look fantastic, but having now seen these photos I must say you were correct in your decision to reveal your body @ 44…you look amazing! Thanks for sharing : )



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