Daniel Scissorhands

I don’t know how many of you have seen the movie Edward Scissorhands from 1990. How life can be in a society which is so uniform, complacent and unimaginative that it is unable to cope with someone or something different.

The story is about a gentle inventor (Vincent Price) who dies before he is able to give Edward (Johnny Depp) his hands. Edward is left with only scissors for hands and living alone in a gothic mansion. In contrast to this, the town at the foot of the hill is a 50’s-60’s pastel suburbia. Edward is an innocent young man greatly gifted with a beautiful heart and he adores the young teenage girl Kim (Winona Ryder).

The movie is directed by one of my favorite directors, Tim Burton. The members of this team all love the movie and most highly recommend it. Therefore we thought we’d do our own little Edward Scissorhands tribute.

Daniel was of course the perfect choice for Edward. He easily gets into a role and is very open-minded about my ideas. Adina is my daughter, only 13 years old and very happy to portray Winona Ryder’s charachter as Kim, as she thinks Daniel is soooo cute : )

Now about the preparations for this shoot:  Edward’s costume is made from scratch by my sister Amanda and can now be found at Independent Kostym. It took her a long time to get this together with the belts, buttons and all. I think this is such a great kick-ass achievement, it left me stoked.

Adina’s white dress can also be found at Independent Kostym in Stockholm. Dress, shoes, hair and make up are drifting between 1950s and 1960s.

Edwards make up and hair is as close as I could get to the original. I had to put wax on his eyebrows to hide them. Scars are also made with wax and eye shadow to achieve depth and a realistic look.

Photographer JenHell did the shoot and graphic designer Mattias added the final finish with his artwork to make the surroundings lift the session to the fantasy level we were striving for.

I am so happy to show you these pictures because I like them sooo much and we all really worked our butts off to get this together.

-Click pics to enlarge-

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Models: Daniel & Adina Savage
Make up & hair: Tallee Savage
Costume & styling: Amanda Martinez, Independent Kostym
Photo: JenHell
Graphic artwork: Mattias Savage Wilmenius


13 Responses to “Daniel Scissorhands”

  1. Claro que hemos visto la pelicula……excelente trabajo
    me impresione con el maquillaje….y Adina se ve tan grandecita ya
    muy fotogenica,me gusto su expresion….buenos disparos del fotografo
    every thing very good!!!!


  2. Great job!
    Winona, eat your heart out, you´re perfect Adina!


  3. Wow, you did all a beautiful job, such a beautiful daughter as well. So young but yet so impressive. I love your work, all of you. muy bien. No tengo any words to describe it. Lol, my spanish obviously sucks


  4. Oh right, one more thing. Go to plugins in the admin panel and add “Shadowbox JS” or “lightbox JS”. You will have the pictures opening in the same window, blurring everything else. I am using shadowbox JS on my site. This will make a more pleasent visit for your visitors.


  5. OMFG.


  6. helt fantastiskt att ni pulled it off!!! bravo!!


  7. danielscissorhands Says:

    Well, I guess it’s a big World, and I don’t have it copyrighted, but did you have to hijack my danielscissorhands name?
    I do like your pictures, though. They are awesome!


  8. eu sou fan do eduardo maos de tesouras tifa de leone ilove you


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