Mata Hari

Photographer Micke Karlin contacted me and asked if I wanted to take the challenge of a session portraying Mata Hari.Mata Hari
Mata Hari was born in 1876. She had a short career an exotic dancer and model back in 1905. She was arrested in 1917, put on trial and accused of spying for Germany and consequently causing the deaths of at least 50,000 soldiers. She was found guilty and was executed by firing squad at the age of 41.

The idea of an exotic dancer working as a lethal double agent, using her powers of seduction to extract military secrets from her many lovers fired the popular imagination, set the legend and made Mata Hari an enduring archetype of the femme Fatale.

Much of the popularity is owed to the film titled Mata Hari (1931) and starring Greta Garbo in the leading role.

– Click pics to enlarge –

Mata Hari, Exotic Dancer, Vintage picture, Spy

Mata Hari, Exotic Dancer, Vintage picture, Spy

Mata Hari, Tallee Savage, Michael Karlin, savage beauty, Mattias Wilmenius, oriental

Mata Hari, Exotic Dancer, Vintage picture, Spy

Photo: Michael Karlin
Graphics: Mattias Savage Wilmenius

One Response to “Mata Hari”

  1. I love this…


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