Jens Kask – remembering an amazing friend

• Visiting Disneyland in the summer of 1989.

I just got a call from my ex Fredrik, telling me that a mutual friend of ours passed away yesterday (sunday).

I was 10, had just moved to Sweden. Jens was in the same class as me. A sweet boy. Very funny, strong and really cute. He had a charismatic personality and a strong body with very energetic legs. in every sport he did, he managed well. I imagine his good physical condition was what saved him that fateful day when Jens and his friends decided to climb on top of a parked electrical commuter train resulting in 16 000 volts of electricity passing through his tiny body. Doctors gave him 2% chance of surviving. Jens lost both his legs and burned large parts of his body. It took two whole years before he had recovered enough to leave the hospital.

He was 10 years old when this happened. It is hard for an adult to understand when tragic things like this happen. My mom, teacher’s reactions… so sad and chocked. For us kids…trying to comprehend something like this …  it was just so very unreal.

But Jens did survive,  I met him many years after the accident. We were about 17 and we became friends again instantly.  Jens was exactly the way I remember him as a kid. Happy, funny, strong personality and very sweet. Our main common interest was rock music. He had introduced the group The Sweet to me back in 1976 and in the 80s hard rock was bigger than ever. Concerts every week and new albums on vinyl out every month. So we went to concerts together and discussed music and just hung out over the years.

• I took this picture of Steve Harris and Jens backstage at an Iron Maiden concert Nov 2 – 1984
• The picture of us is during a Krux concert at Harry B James club – Jan 29 – 2009

Jens has been involved in disability sports since the accident, he has participated in swimming, athletics, sitting volleyball and sledge hockey, where he enjoyed his greatest success, including as captain of the Swedish Olympic team. He has won one Paralympic gold medal and two bronze. During the opening ceremony in Vancouver, it was Jens who carried the flag for Sweden. It was his eighth Paralympic Games, five winter and three summer. None of this came as surprise to people. That was just the way he was. A fighter and a winner all the way through.

Yesterday he suffered a heart attack and passed away. Just like that, he is gone : ( And all we have are memories and laughs. Realizing that I had the privilege of knowing one hell of a guy. He will be missed.

My condolences to his brother Marcus, his little daughter Tyra and the rest of his family.

32 Responses to “Jens Kask – remembering an amazing friend”

  1. It´s sad, he was a wonderful person.


  2. Sorry to hear that, Tallee. You’ve talked about him before and it is really the story of a true fighter.


  3. Mia Örnklev Says:

    Jag är så ledsen. Jens var en otroligt varm och rolig människa. Vi träffades senare i livet, trots att vi båda bodde i Väsby samtidigt. Vi sammanstrålade på Sweden Rock 2008 och hade vansinnigt roligt. Han var en oerhört ödmjuk person med en fantastisk humor. Jag kommer att sakna honom…


  4. Rest in Peace Jens, you will always be in our minds <3 ..


  5. Says:

    Är så hemskt.Skänker en tanke till Magge, & alla Jens anhöriga.


  6. I knew Jens since 1996 when I started as physio for the SWE national sledge hockey team. We always had good contact through our interest in hockey. He was a big man with a even bigger heart and I will miss him, my sincere condolence to his family.


  7. Anonymous Says:

    Tallee väldigt fint skrivet om din vän, må hans själ vila i frid, beklagar förlusten, mvh Tamara


  8. Roger Eklöf Says:

    Lärde känna Jens vid min hitflytt från Boden -84. Vi blev goda vänner snabbt, Hans satt ofta i våran replokal på stallgatan mitt emot kiosken och lyssnade när vi repade. träffades på Rock-konserter, HårdRock-fester Zamora, Väsby Hockeys matcher eller hemma. Många garv har vi haft.
    Vila i frid min gode vän Jens.
    Mitt hjärta finns hos din familj och Marcus med familj och barn.
    Vi ses på andra sidan. ♥ Din vän Roger Eklöf


  9. Lena Bäckström (Israelsson) Says:

    Jensa! Glömmer aldrig min mammas min när han tog sig upp o ner för källartrappen hemma hos oss i Väsby. Det var över 30 år sedan. Sen dess har vi stött på varandra på konserter av o till. Tallee, fantastiskt skrivet!


  10. Jocke & Lena Says:

    Jens vår vän
    Vi saknar dig och är ledsen allt känns bara som i en dimma kan inte förstå att du inte finns här längre. Tacksam att vi fick förmånen att lära känna dig. Dom fina minnena med dig finns kvar i våra hjärtan för alltid.
    Vila i frid Jens
    Våra hjärtan finns hos din familj och anhöriga

    Jocke & Lena


  11. Jens du var en av de varmaste människor som jag någonsin har känt. Vila i frid min vän. Mina tankar är med dig och din familj just nu,du är en del av min uppväxt. Ser fram emot att träffa dig på andra sidan…..Må du vila i frid bland änglarna.
    Minnet av dig kommer alltid leva kvar. Min vän………………


  12. On behalf of British Sledge Hockey we are deeply sorry to hear of the death of a great player.


  13. Jans was one of the best sledge hockey players I have ever seen, may not have been quickest but had the best hockey head and game play R.I.P Jans


  14. It’s always sad when someone close to you dies, but he seems to have lived a very good life. My heart goes out to you, his friends, family and team mates. I’m so sorry for your loss..


  15. Manny Guerra #67 USA Says:

    I met Jens in 1990 in my first international sledge hockey tournament n was amazed with hockey smarts – he was one of the all time greats! He was an incredible person on n off the ice. My condolences to his family n daughter – I will miss him……


  16. Hervé Lord #3 Canada Says:

    Jens was a great competitor and great sledge hockey player. My sincere condolence to his family.


  17. Todd Nicholson #19 Team Canada Says:

    Jens was not only an amazing player but someone that will be missed by many. I can remember about 6 or 7 years ago while at a tournament in Sweden he sat beside me on the bus…..on the ice he was a player that many feared due to his size, I can remember after that bus ride I had a new understanding and respect for him both on and off the ice. He has done wonders for the sports world and everyone who knew him will never forget him. His hopes and dreams will live on through many more not only in Sweden but around the world


  18. You were one of the most talented athlete in Ice Sledge Hockey.

    Rest in peace my friend.


  19. Kaido Kalm #19 Estonia Says:

    We are truely sad of big lost of Ice Sledge Hockey. Estonian sledge hockey players.


  20. anita katila Says:

    Tallee du e så fin…..RIP Jens, love Anita


  21. Anonymous Says:

    Så otroligt sorgligt och overkligt.. Han var för ung… Så fint skrivet Tallee.. kram


  22. tannhauser3 Says:

    Strange and sad, isn’t it ? There we are, having reached midway though our lives, and suddenly we realize, that so many of those we have followed and been close friends with through the years, just isn’t there any more… I feel the same grief and loss over many people, who for some reason or other, are no longer with me – and as I look to myself and my living colleagues, I have noticed that many of them, as well as I myself, have come very near crippling accidents, that could have left us without limbs, or in paralysis. Still, some men fight on; through life, and they are true heroes – more so than I ever been. Havamál tells us that some have such a great spirit, that they can overcome almost all. Although I never knew him, I feel convinced that Jens Kask truly was such a man. A son, of his country. May he rest well, safe in the memories of all those who knew and loved him
    – H, former soldier, still in the army.


  23. Pierre Pichette (hockey Canada) Says:

    Jens étais un guerrier et tous le monde le crayait surtout dans les coins de patinoire…Une grosse perte pour sa famille mais aussi pour le Hockey Luge..Sympatie a toute sa famille

    Pierre Pichette ex gardien #1 hockey luge Canada


  24. Så vackert skrivet om Jens!

    Många kramar från Tyra och hennes mamma


  25. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and wonderful experiences we all had with Jens. We will all miss him very much.

    Cincerely Tallee


  26. we had sum good games and when we meat again we will have sum more it was nice to know you .and play against you R I P .Jens


  27. Eva (Brodin) Grönroos Says:

    Jag hörde att Jens hade dött och tänkte googla på det lite. Det är så tragiskt att han inte finns längre. Jag minns honom också som den glada charmiga killen från när vi gick tillsammans i skolan. RIP!

    Sen hittar jag dig också Tallee, vi har inte träffats och hörts på jag vet inte hur många år (tror att vi senast träffades när vi gick ut 9:an). Hoppas du kanske kommer ihåg mig lite.
    Jag hette Brodin på den tiden.
    Du får jätte gärna maila mig, skulle vara kul!
    kram eva


    • Hej Eva! Vad fint att du hittade till mig blogg. Ja, Jens bortgång var en chock för alla hans nära och bekanta. Han var en extraordinär man som levde livet till fullo. Han kommer vara saknad av många.

      Begravningen var väldigt vacker. Men mitt hjärta smulades när jag såg hans lilla dotter där, så ledsen : (

      Jag är dålig på namn…men jag ska in på Facebook och se om jag hittar dig där med någon bild, så kanske minnet kommer tillbaka : )

      Kram Tallee


  28. Vila i frid Jens! R.I.P Jag hörde att Jens hade dött och tänkte googla på det lite Så ledsna för er skull. Skänker varma tankar och många kramar till er. Jens var en otroligt varm och rolig människa
    I met Jens in 1990 in my first international sledge hockey tournament n was amazed with hockey smarts – he was one of the all time greats! He was an incredible person on n off the ice. My condolences to his family n daughter – I will miss him……
    Jens du var en av de varmaste människor som jag någonsin har känt. Vila i frid min vän. Mina tankar är med dig och din familj just nu,du är en del av min uppväxt. Ser fram emot att träffa dig på andra sidan…..Må du vila i frid bland änglarna.
    Minnet av dig kommer alltid leva kvar. Min vän………………


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