Archive for Fantasy

Ælven in Småland

Posted in Make Up - Savage Beauty with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 2, 2012 by Tallee Savage

Sussi Sri is Born in Jakarta, Indonesia but came to Sweden in a small bundle 29 year ago. She is currently studying law and wants to work in the field of criminal law in the future, preferably with the police or judicial system. I have known Sussi for a few years. We met through a model community site which we both are members in. She lives in another part of Sweden with her norwegian fiancé, who is also a photographer and friend of mine. A really cool couple. I have come to understand that Sussi is not only a very beautiful model, but a smart and purposeful woman. We communicate through chat and I get to hear what spins her heart and brain and what her plans for the future are.

On a few occasions I have done her make up for other model engagements. But on these photos I am not only behind the make up but also the camera. Location is in the southern parts of Sweden in the province of Småland. In the deep forest  in Mariannelund to be accurate. I had to work very quick on this session because Sussi does not like bugs and of course she saw them everywhere and freaked out from time to time, as you can see in the last picture. Her fiancé Jan did his best to convince her that there was nothing there. Besides bugs and all, I think we came through with the right feeling on the photos. A beautiful ælven in a mystic and peaceful atmosphere with pristine surroundings with lots of green colors. Gives me a feeling of tranquility and harmony. Hope you agree!

Model: Sussi Sri
Photo & Make up: Tallee Savage
Assistants: Jan Monsen, Mattias and Elizia Savage

……Clicking away …………… Hm…Hm ………………Click- Click …………..Yes, yes that’s it ! Looks great :)

Blind Lucidity

Posted in Make Up - Savage Beauty, Model 40 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 3, 2010 by Tallee Savage

This morning I woke up with a stiff neck. I hurts when I look to the left. I hope it goes away by tomorrow because I have a goth photo session to make outside a castle. If worse comes to worst, I will have to look in one direction only and that narrows down the poses a little. Also I am going to an AC/DC concert tomorrow. Can you even imagine going to an AC/DC concert with a stiff neck? That will be tough : (

Today Matt also finished the last graphic work on the pictures that I did with Boel L in Småland in May. Photographer is Jörgen Lundh.

-Click pics to enlarge-



Okidoki… that was all for today. I will be back with a review on the AC/ DC concert of course.

Ta-ta for now